Who in the world am I? What is my part to play?
A question that each of us have asked at multiple times in our life and no matter what our age we can find ourselves questioning our identity and purpose.
At times as I have pondered this question I have been brought back to the simplicity of who I was and what I loved as a child.
Sometimes by stepping into the heart of a child our serious reality is brought back into the imaginative world. Our reality is reframed and we realise once again, “anything is possible!”
Alice in Alice in Wonderland said it beautifully; “Keep the simple and loving heart of your childhood”.
In a world today that is tampered by so much technology, opinions and must do lists we can find ourselves swirling in a every growing fast paced world. But what if we slowed down and saw how we did as a child for just a few short minutes… Endless possibilities, everything a form of play, a joy in the simplicities. There would would be a reshaping of our realities Im most certain of it.
So the question forms how can we do this? Recapture our childhood, and remember the beautiful parts and attitudes we beheld.
Heres some simple ideas;
Read one of your favourite childhood books. Get lost in it!
Spend time playing ( yes play dough, paints, clay) something with your hands and get messy!
Watch and observe a child, hold a baby or facetime a loved one with a little one.
Reminisce on the happy parts of your childhood, look through an old album or watch a video of you as a child if you have one!
Be free - Dream as if there is no borders, laugh at the simple things and find your sense of wonder at a tree, a dog, a rainbow.
I believe there is a child in each one of us waiting to come play, sometimes we just need to open that door and let them take centre stage for a moment remembering that who you were then is only a less serious version of who you are now. Our world could surely do with some more childlikeness so why not put your favourite frock on and go frolic like no ones watching~!