It has been quoted “Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also”.
A treasure is defined as “any thing or person greatly valued or highly prized; to regard or treat as precious; cherish”.
When I was young I had a set of drawers in my room named my ‘special drawers’. These were special because everything that had some sentimental value to me sat on top of these drawers. Items given to me by relatives who had travelled, special jewellery items, pictures and ornaments.
As I grew older these special drawers changed and these loved items either were passed on or stored away in a box up in a cupboard. I began to find value in new things; such as a funky-coloured bedroom, clothes or accessories.
These items year after year would lose value, be thrown out or given away and they would be replaced with what I then sought after.
It is interesting watching this pattern of what I held of value materially continually changing. Looking from another angle, I’ve noticed that the things of eternal value such as family, friendships and fun memories are long lasting and have remained.
What is it that you treasure? That you hold most dear to you?
Is it something that will last or will it change?
It is interesting how we can get so caught up in wanting that fashion item, latest iphone or boyfriend when really, will it still be there and as cool in a year’s time?
“All the wealth and pleasure in the world will not bring solid comfort and content to the soul. They do not satisfy even the appetites of the body, for all is vanity.”
The affections of the common person are set on worldly things, on enriching themselves and acquiring and adding wealth. However worldly things can never satisfy the heart. The heart needs to be nurtured with long lasting things.
Why not try investing in things that have eternal value.
- Take your mum out for a walk or pick flowers for someone close to you
- Write a letter to a friend so they know they are loved
- Journal down ways YOU can make a difference
John de Ruiter once said, “Let your heart believe only what nurtures you”.
Choose to invest and foster things in your life that will nurture you, and those around you. I’m not saying don’t go out and buy that latest dress you really want but remember to do it in a way that builds both you and the others around you up!